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Bjorem Contrast Cues for Speech and Literacy

RRP - $91.77   Our Price - $88.64  Cards
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Carol Koch, Jennie Bjorem, Ruthie Ozonoff

  • Bjorem Contrast Cues for Speech and Literacy

80 pages
ISBN: 9781951031343

Bjorem Speech Sound Cues for the Contrast Approaches and Literacy feature the tools and stimuli for all three minimal pairs approaches: minimal, multiple, and maximal oppositions. The set incorporates cues for teaching new sounds in the initial word position but also how different initial speech sounds create new and different words. This emphasises both the motor aspect of speech sound production, but also the linguistic aspect of how sounds create different words. To accomplish this, this pack of cues contains initial consonant targets and the “rimes” which are the V and VC cues that, when added to the initial targets, create words. There are 22 onset (beginning sounds) and 58 rimes that can create at least 700 true words. The words are used to contrast two or more phonemes featured in minimal pair words/sets.

  • 22 initial consonant onsets and 58 rime cue cards
  • Combine onsets and rimes for approximately 663 words
  • Supports the minimal pairs-based approaches of minimal, multiple, and maximal oppositions
  • Supports phonemic awareness
  • Evidence-based approaches

Fun, intuitive, and relatable cards 2.56" x 2.56". Cues are a thick soft matte texture, they are not shiny or laminated so children with vision impairments do not get the glare. Note whilst the cards are the same size, this is a substantially bigger box than most of the Bjorem card sets with 80 cards.