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Body Signals: Wisdom from Within

$68.14  Cards (inc DR)
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Karen Bedford Australian author

  • Body Signals

40 pages
ISBN: 9781925657128

Our body communicates its wisdom to us long before our conscious mind can get a word in. That’s why body signals are sometimes called our ‘early warning signs’, and they are an important key to staying safe, and building social and emotional wellbeing.

How are body signals different from body language? What do we mean by body signals and how are they different from body language? ‘Body language’ is a term that has been around for quite some time. A cursory search through the internet reveals a plethora of material about ‘body language’; how it is essential to communication and how so much of what we say is communicated not by words but by gesture, posture, facial expression, stance and other aspects of non-verbal, physical behaviour.

The Body Signals cards are designed for having conversations with children, young people and adults about body signals. Such conversations help people recognise what their body is telling them, and become more skilful at interpreting and acting on the message in an appropriate way. The action required may be as simple and yet as significant as: ‘Tell an adult you trust.’ For example, tell an adult such as a teacher that your tummy is in a knot at school and you need some help.

  • Pick cards for what happens in your body when you’re happy, sad, scared, angry, hot, tired or hungry.
  • Which body signals mean you feel unsafe?
  • Who could you tell when you feel unsafe?
  • Pick several cards—what others words could describe the body signals?
  • Like a faulty car alarm, body signals are triggered if we’re anxious, even when we know there’s no real danger. How can you soothe unwanted body signals?

While body language sends powerful ‘signals’ to others, this is not what we mean by the term ‘Body Signals’ in this card set. A body signal - or a cluster of body signals - is the physiological response of the body to something in the internal or external environment, whether it be a perceived threat or something quite the opposite such as pleasure or comfort. Body signals are visceral responses such as blushing, goose bumps, palpitations, butterflies in the tummy, constricted throat, perspiration, trembling.

The forty Body Signals cards focus on body signals, you will also be able to identify aspects of body language such as gesture, expression and posture. These factors can be used to add layers of richness to your conversation with people about body signals. This marvellous mob of meerkat characters will delight children, young people and adults alike with their expressions, gestures and antics. No one does hyper-alertness like meerkats, but wait ‘til you see them with goose bumps, pounding hearts, knocking knees - and loads of other body signals associated with fight, flight, freeze or flop.

Digital Resources

Each card pack comes with free access to an online toolbox of extras. The Digital Toolbox includes:

  • a digital version of the booklet.
  • access to a digital set of the cards that you can download and use anywhere, anytime.
  • ideas banks, blogs, card hack videos, interviews and other support material.