Ellen Yack, Paula Aquilla, Shirley Sutton
Winner of the Summer 2015 Academics' Choice Smart Book Award!
Written by three experienced occupational therapists, this book offers a combination of theory and strategies. It is a perfect tool for those working with young children, but also broad enough to be adapted for older children and adults. Building Bridges provides creative techniques and useful tips while offering innovative strategies and practical advice for dealing with everyday challenges, including managing behaviours, improving muscle tone, developing social skills, selecting diets, and more. Part one explains the role of the occupational therapists in treatment and examines sensory integration theories. Part two offers methods of identifying sensory problems in children along with numerous strategies and activities.
Helpful topics include:
Front Matter
4. Identifying Problems with Sensory Integration
5. Strategies for Challenging Behaviors
6. Ideas for Self-care skills
7. Adapting Home, School and Childcare Settings
8. Activity Suggestions
9. Equipment and Resources
About the Authors
"This is an excellent resource book that clearly explains sensory systems and sensory integration and how to identify problems in this area for individuals with autism. There are checklists to help identify concerns, and it is full of practical suggestions for activities for specific difficulties, strategies for challenging behaviors, and adaptations in a variety of settings."
- Geneva Centre for Autism
"The how-to book on sensory integration that we have been wishing and waiting for."
- Autism National Committee
"Each time I open my copy of Building Bridges through Sensory Integration to reread, say, a suggestion for teaching a child with poor self-regulation, a definition of occupational therapy, or strategies for sitting in a circle, I thank Paula, Ellen, and Shirley for writing this classic. The book is "just right" (as Dr. Ayres would say) because it has almost everything a parent, teacher, or professional needs to know about supporting children with sensory issues. Now that the book has been updated and reorganized, there is even more to applaud.Thank you, Paula, Ellen, and Shirley, for putting your heads together to produce this wonderful, necessary book. This revised version is the best yet! (from the foreword)"
- Carol Stock Kranowitz, MA, author of The Out of Sync Child