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2nd Edition

Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools: Functional Behavioral Assessment

$83.63  Paperback
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Deanne A Crone, Leanne S Hawken, Robert H Horner

  • Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools

288 pages
ISBN: 9781462519729

A widely used practitioner guide and text, this book presents a blueprint for meeting the challenges of severe problem behavior in grades PreK-8. It shows how to provide effective behaviour support for the 1-5% of students who require intensive, individualised intervention. Case examples illustrate step-by-step procedures for identifying student needs using functional behavioural assessment (FBA) and designing, implementing, and evaluating team-based behaviour support plans (BSPs). The book also describes how to build school- and districtwide capacity to conduct FBA-BSPs.

Reproducible forms and worksheets are included; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8½" x 11" size.

New to This Edition:

  • Incorporates current FBA-BSP research and best practices.
  • Chapters on developing districtwide capacity; FBA apps and software; applications for academic problems; and early childhood settings.
  • Increased attention to FBA-BSP as a Tier III intervention within a multi-tiered framework.

Table of Contents

I. Using Functional Behavioral Assessment in Schools: Context and Framework

  1. Functional Behavioral Assessment in Schools: Historical Background and the Current Context, Robert E. O'Neill & Kaitlin Bundock
  2. Functional Behavioral Assessment in Schools: Thinking Functionally across All Tiers of Behavior Support

II. Embedding Functional Behavioral Assessment within School Systems: Case Examples

  1. Conducting a Functional Behavioral Assessment
  2. Designing a Behavior Support Plan
  3. Evaluating and Modifying the Behavior Support Plan

III. Using Functional Behavioral Assessment within School Systems: Building School-Based and District-Based Capacity

  1. Who Will Be Involved in the Behavior Support Team and How Do You Get the Behavior Support Team to Work Together as a Team?
  2. How Do You Generate within-Building Capacity for Functional Behavior Assessment on the Behavior Support Team?
  3. Improving District Capacity to Deliver Basic FBA-BSP Support, M. Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, Sheldon L. Loman, & Robert H. Horner

IV. Functional Behavioral Assessment as Applied to Specific Problems or Specific Populations

  1. Functional Behavioral Assessment for Academic Concerns, Courtenay A. Barrett & Donna M. Gilbertson
  2. Functional Behavioral Assessment with Preschool-Age Children
  3. Technology Trends in Functional Behavioral Assessment and Intervention, J. Matt Jameson, Allison L. Bruhn, & Leanne S. Hawken
    • Appendix A - Request for Assistance Form
    • Appendix B - Functional Behavioral Assessment–Behavior Support Plan Protocol (F-BSP Protocol)
    • Appendix C - Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers and Staff (FACTS)
    • Appendix D - Student-Guided Functional Assessment Interview (Primary)
    • Appendix E - Assessing Activity Routines Form
    • Appendix F - Brief Functional Assessment Interview Form
    • Appendix G - Functional Assessment Observation Form
    • Appendix H - A Checklist for Assessing the Quality of Behavior Support Planning: Does the Plan (or Planning Process) Have These Features?

"This second edition offers the most complete and detailed explanation of FBA that exists in the field today. The presentation is innovative and practical, with case examples that help readers understand how concepts of assessment are transformed into evidence-based strategies for support and intervention. Students and professionals will gain expertise in the crucial topics of behavioral assessment and school-based behavior support. Crone, Hawken, and Horner have expanded and sharpened the descriptions in the first edition, and the result is a singular contribution of significant importance."
- Glen Dunlap, PhD, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno

"An outstanding resource for building the systems needed for individual behavior support. The new content in the second edition is outstanding, from teaching school personnel how to conduct brief FBAs to using the latest technology for more effective and efficient behavior support. This book belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in getting function-based support implemented well in school systems."
- Kent McIntosh, PhD, Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences, University of Oregon

"Now in a revised second edition, this book presents the next generation of strategies for implementing, supporting, and sustaining individual positive behavior supports in schools. I am impressed with the authors' comprehensive multilevel systems approach for embedding supports in typical school contexts. This is a 'must-have' work for practitioners who truly want to make a difference."
- Linda M. Bambara, EdD, Special Education Program, Lehigh University