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Say Goodbye to Being ShySay Goodbye to Being Shy
A Workbook to Help Kids Overcome Shyness
Symbol / Letter TrackingSymbol / Letter Tracking
Virus (Virtual Kombat 2)Virus (Virtual Kombat 2)
To Play Is To Die
Stained Glass Tree ComboStained Glass Tree Combo
Book and activity guide
Draw On Your RelationshipsDraw On Your Relationships
Social Skills Chipper ChatSocial Skills Chipper Chat
Magnetic Chip Game for Practicing Social Skills, Book and Printable CD-ROM
GrannyGranny's Candies Card Set 3
Verbs Cards and Activity Book
Mindfulness for Teen WorryMindfulness for Teen Worry
Quick and Easy Strategies to Let Go of Anxiety, Worry, and Stress

Total (8 items) = $448.31

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All prices are in Australian dollars and exclude GST.