Children's Speech Sound Disorders is a concise, easy-to-understand overview of current practice in articulation disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, developmental dysarthria, phonological disorders, and structurally based speech sound disorders. Children's Speech Sound Disorders provides reader-friendly explanations of key aspects of the classification, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of speech sound disorders, with clinically applicable insights from 58 distinguished contributors who draw on their current work in the child speech field in providing expert essays. This best-selling guide with international appeal includes case vignettes and relatable real-world examples to place topics in context. Children's Speech Sound Disorders also delivers information on:
Acknowledgement of Country viii
Contributors ix Part I a Practical Update 1. The Evolution of Current Practices 25 2. Terms, Classification, and Assessment 66 3. Working with Families and Special Populations of Children 114 4. Phonetic, Stimulability, Perceptual, and Phonological Interventions 171 5. More Intervention Approaches 235 6. Common, Best, and Evidence-based Practice 283 Part II Speech Intervention in Everyday Practice 309 7. Phonological Disorders and CAS: Characteristics, Goals, and Intervention 321 8. Motor Speech Disorders 363 9. Treatment Targets and Strategies 426 10. Multilingualism and Language Variation 472 11. Technology, Communication, and SSD 511 12. Change 550
Contributor Index 558
Subject Index 559