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3rd Edition

Co-Teach!: Building and Sustaining Effective Classroom Partnerships in Inclusive Schools, third edition

RRP - $90.86   Our Price - $81.77  Spiral Bound
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Marilyn Friend

  • Co-Teach!

216 pages
ISBN: 9780999778302

Co-teaching continues to expand as a way to meet the needs of students with disabilities and other special needs. The third edition of Co-Teach! reflects this evaluation. It is the definitive source of information on co-teaching for elementary, middle school, and high school co-teachers and their administrators. Designed to be reader-friendly and full of practical information, it includes:

  • All the basics about co-teaching (what it is and is not, teacher roles and responsibilities, the rationale for co-teaching)
  • Six classic co-teaching approaches as well as new variations of them
  • Updated research on the effectiveness of co-teaching
  • Real-life co-teaching dilemmas--from those related to professionals to logistics such as planning time--and practical solutions to address them.
  • Suggestions for principals and other school leaders on creating and sustaining a co-teaching program.
  • Critical information on incorporating specially designed (i.e., special education) instruction as part of co-taught lessons.

Each chapter also includes discussion questions and most also have additional resources such as helpful checklists and templates.

Marilyn Friend is a widely acknowledged expert on co-teaching and wrote this book in response to numerous requests for practical information about co-teaching; from setting up and maintaining successful programs to establishing positive relationship in the classroom to resolving interpersonal and logistics difficulties.

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Building and Sustaining Effective Classroom Partnerships in Inclusive Schools, third edition
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