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Color Me Fluent

RRP - $272.68   Our Price - $245.41  Kit
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Alice Anne G Farley

  • Color Me Fluent

Interest Age: 4+
ISBN: 9781586506049

Developed and field-tested by Alice Anne Farley, Color Me Fluent is a fluency program that brings together the student, parent/caregiver, and speech-language pathologist (SLP) as a team. Together they implement family education, learning theory, and behaviour modification to make changes in the student's life and speech. The methods, activities, and materials in this program make it a versatile kit for any caseload, grades Pre-K and up.

Color Me Fluent promotes over-learning of correct and exaggerated speech patterns by focusing on breathing, phonation, articulation, and resonation. These strategies help the stutterer gain control of his/her speaking. The block management strategies in the program reduce fear and avoidance of speaking. Levels of speech fluency represented in colours provide visual cues to the student regarding his/her speech.

  • Red represents stuttering or disfluent speech.
  • Orange represents the easier speech production. Students use their targets and speak "under the umbrella" of orange speech.
  • Green speech refers to fluent speech. It is the ultimate goal of the program.

Table of Contents

Instructional Activity Manual with reproducible templates (160 pages)

CD-ROM with Color or black and white Handouts and Samples of Speech

16 manipulatives to implement program

2 educational posters

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Color Me Fluent?

Speech Fluency is monitored through a colour-coded system that provides visual cues for each level of fluency. The fluency levels are:

  • Red Circle — Dysfluent Speech (stuttering)
  • Orange Circle — Practice Speech (more fluency than dysfluency)
  • Green Circle — Fluent Speech (no noted dysfluency)

What age groups can use Color Me Fluent?

Color Me Fluent is for individuals ages 2 to adult.

How do individuals monitor Speech Fluency?

Speech Fluency is monitored through a colour-coded system that provides visual cues for each level of fluency. The fluency levels are:

  • Red Circle — Dysfluent Speech (stuttering)
  • Orange Circle — Practice Speech (more fluency than dysfluency)
  • Green Circle — Fluent Speech (no noted dysfluency)

What is "The Umbrella of Orange Speech"?

The Umbrella of Orange Speech is a tool that outlines several targets for Fluency Shaping. These targets are:

  • Full Breath
  • Breath and Speech Together
  • Talking in Breath Groups
  • Pausing Often
  • Stretchy Onset and Loose Contact
  • Continuous Vocal Phonation
  • Talking in Short Sentences
  • Minimising Consonants and Maximising Vowels
  • Language Planning

Who is the author of Color Me Fluent?

Alice Anne G. Farley, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-FD, a board recognised Fluency Specialist and a former stutterer, developed and field-tested Color Me Fluent.

What is the essential purpose of Color Me Fluent?

The goal of Color Me Fluent is to “let out air, let out tightness, and let out talking.” This is facilitated by the use of learning theory, behaviour modification, and family education—all of which can lead to an increase in self-esteem and fluency!

"Mrs. Farley has years and years of experience in fluency diagnosis and treatment. Thankfully, she has shared her creative and effective techniques with others so we can help our clients obtain fluent speech. Mrs. Farley's Color Me Fluent program provides therapists and families with hands-on techniques and materials to make learning fun! I also really appreciate Mrs. Farley's diversity as she gives extra guidance with "Tips for Working with Mentally Disabled Stutterers" on page 116 of the program."
- Private Practice SLP

"Finally, a fluency program that is logical and easy to follow. Color Me Fluent, with it's red, green, and orange color codes, changes stuttering treatment from a confusing, subjective therapy into a visual and systematic treatment program for both children and adults. The handbook coupled with the CD-ROM allows SLPs to customize treatment plans to match the age and severity needs of the student. We were so impressed that we invited Mrs. Farley to train our entire staff in her approach!"
- Lead SLP, County School District

"I've been a severe stutterer since I was 5 years old. Before I came to Alice Anne I had given up on treatment for my stuttering. I had been to speech therapists all over the east coast and had no long time success with any of them. I decided to give Alice Anne's program a try because I knew that she had been a stutterer too and I thought maybe she could help me. I found her program to be a ray of hope that I had not gotten from any other type of therapy. Color Me Fluent is practical way of modifying my speech so that I can speak more freely and feel more at ease with myself and my speech. Her program has changed my life. Because of Alice Anne and her program I have been able to overcome a lot of obstacles that I had as a person with a severe speech problem. I wish that everyone with a speech problem could try "Color Me Fluent". I think that most clinicians aren't able to help stutterers because they don't understand stuttering and everyone stutters differently. She gave me hope when I had none. She encouraged me when I desperately needed encouragement. Most stutterers can relate to the desperation of not being able to speak freely without anxiety. Color Me Fluent has been a Godsend in my life and I will be forever grateful for Alice Anne and her sincerity in caring for other stutterers."
- Adult female person who stutters

"The Color Me Fluent training workshops and material encouraged me to begin seeing stutterers again after years of avoidance. Alice Anne G. Farley treats stuttering in a down to earth, practical way. Her years of experience are invaluable resources and confidence builders. The workshop gave me much more than information; it provided training in specific intervention techniques. The material in the Color Me Fluent book and treatment kit is extremely thorough. The explanations of each part of the therapy are so clear that, as one parent expressed it, "We can do this!" My patients and I have been very pleased with the outcome of therapy with the Color Me Fluent approach. Achieving good results for the private practitioner is important for obvious reputation and financial reasons, but above all it increases the availability of help for this segment of the speech impaired population which has been under-served by many of us for so long."
- SLP in private practice

"For me, a lifelong stutterer, Alice Anne Farley's Color Me Fluent has become my best ally in regaining and maintaining fluent speech. Her "stoplight"image of red, orange, and green speech comes easily to mind, provides instant means of self-speech evaluation and quickly cues me to slip into the speech strategies that constitute fluency. It's a godsend!"
- Lifelong stutterer and retired speech pathologist