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Comic Strip Conversations: Colorful, Illustrated Interactions with Students with Autism & Related Disorders

RRP - $15.99   Our Price - $15  Softcover
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Carol Gray, Jenison High School

  • Comic Strip Conversations

39 pages
ISBN: 9781885477224

A comic strip conversation is a conversation between two or more people which incorporates the use of simple drawings. These drawings serve to illustrate an ongoing communication, providing additional support to individuals who struggle to comprehend the quick exchange of information which occurs in a conversation.

Experience with Comic Strip Conversations indicates they may be an effective tool for parents and professionals working with students with autism and other developmental disabilitites. Comic Strip Conversations are based on the belief that visualisation and visual supports, found useful in structuring the learning of students with autism, may also improve their understanding and comprehension of conversation. In addition, the use of a basic set of symbols are used in Comic Strip Conversations to illustrate social skills which are abstract and difficult for students with autism to understand.