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Dandelion Launchers Extras Stages 16-20 Combo

RRP - $154.55   Our Price - $136.32  Set
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  • Dandelion Launchers Extras Stages 16-20 Combo

120 pages
Interest Age: 4 to 7

Phonic Books Dandelion Launchers Extras Stages 16-20 is aimed at children learning to read in Kindy/Reception to Year 2. This pack of 10 books plus accompanying Activities book, runs parallel to Dandelion Launchers Stages 16-20, providing extra practice.

This series takes children on a carefully structured reading progression, introducing the spellings 'tch' and 've' and simple two-syllable words. Two books in each stage provide practice while offering different stories. Each stage introduces new letters/sounds while supporting previously taught phonic letters/sounds and high-frequency words.

  • Stage 16: tch and ve
  • Stage 17: simple two-syllable words
  • Stage 18: two-syllable words and suffix -ed
  • Stage 19: two-syllable words and suffix -ing
  • Stage 20: two-syllable words and the spelling 'le'

This combo includes the accompanying photocopiable Dandelion Launchers Extras Stages 16-20 Activities book with activities for word building, reading, writing, comprehension and spelling.

Item MediaPrice
img_11629Dandelion Launchers Extras Stages 16-20 Combo
img_1011627Dandelion Launchers Extras Stages 16-20
10 book set
img_2011628Dandelion Launchers Extras Reading and Writing Activiti
sample_2011628Spiral Bound$72.68Cart+