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Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20 Combo: 10 book set plus Reading and Writing Activites book

$89.95  Set
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Tamar Reis-Frankfort, Wendy Tweedie

  • Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20 Combo

Interest Age: 4 to 7

10 different books, 2 at each stage, introducing the spellings 'tch' & 've' & simple 2 syllable words, taking children on a carefully structured progression.

  • Unit 16: tch & ve,
  • Unit 17: simple two-syllable words,
  • Unit 18: two-syllable words & words with the suffix -ed
  • Unit 19: two-syllable words & words with the suffix -ing
  • Unit 20: two-syllable words & words with the spelling 'le'

This combo includes the 10 books with a spiral-bound workbook of photocopiable, multi-sensory activities linked to Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20 .

Item MediaPrice
img_10245Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20 Combo
10 book set plus Reading and Writing Activites book
img_1009965Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20
10 book set
img_2009964Dandelion Launchers, Reading and Writing Activities for
Spiral Bound$44.50Cart+