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3rd Edition

Differentiated Instructional Strategies One Size Doesn't Fit All, 3ed

$79.08  Softcover
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Gayle H Gregory, Carolyn Chapman

  • Differentiated Instructional Strategies One Size Doesn't Fit All, 3ed

232 pages
ISBN: 9781452260983

Differentiated instruction enables teachers to plan strategically to meet the needs of each and every student in today's diverse classrooms. In this new edition of the bestselling Differentiated Instructional Strategies, Gayle Gregory and Carolyn Chapman show teachers how to adjust instruction and assessment methods based on each student’s knowledge, skills, experiences, preferences, and needs.

This third edition of Differentiated Instructional Strategies features best practices that make a real and positive difference in student achievement, including explanations and examples of Centres, Projects, Choice Boards, Problem-Based Learning, Inquiry Models, Groupwork, Co-operative Learning, and Contracts. More than 70 planning models, templates, matrixes, rubrics, graphic organisers, checklists, and questionnaires are included. New coverage of brain research and neuro-educational strategies appears throughout the text, along with an integration of the Common Core State Standards and more in-depth discussions of RTI, student motivation and engagement, and technology.

Table of Contents

  1. One Size Doesn't Fit All
  2. Creating a Climate for Learning
  3. Knowing the Learner
  4. Assessing the Learner
  5. Adjusting, Compacting, and Grouping
  6. Instructional Strategies for Student Success
  7. Curriculum Approaches for Differentiated Classrooms
  8. Putting it All Together in Your Differentiated Classroom

