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Double Dice Language (Book): Interactive Language Activities

RRP - $62.68   Our Price - $59.05  Spiral Bound
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Rachele Ellsworth

  • Double Dice Language (Book)

215 pages

This workbook targets many semantic language skills in a motivating, yet no-nonsense manner. This workbook works just like the other Double Dice workbooks. The areas covered include:

  • Categories (Appearance, Function, Content, Location, Components)
  • Descriptions (Appearance, Function, Content, Location, Components)
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Multiple Meanings

How it works:

  • The unique double dice (a large 12 sided die with shapes depicted on the outside and a smaller 12 sided inner die with numbers on the inside) serves as the motivation component.
  • A student rolls the double dice and sees what shape was rolled on the outer die.
  • He/she finds that shape on their game sheet and reads the question/statement corresponding to that shape.
  • He/she gives as many answers as indicated on the inner die.
  • He/she colors in a portion of the game sheet as indicated in the directions.
  • The next student has a turn and this continues until the worksheet is complete.

Since the potential target question and the number of responses is dependent upon the roll of the double dice, students look forward to their turn with anticipation.

A double dice is sold separately (see combo).

All game sheets are played in a similar manner, so you can mix-and-match game pages within a single therapy group (e.g., one student can be working on functions and another student on categorisation skills).