Donna M Scanlon, Kimberly L Anderson, Joan M Sweeney
Grounded in a strong evidence base, this indispensable practitioner guide and text has given thousands of teachers tools to support the literacy growth of beginning and struggling readers in grades K-2. The interactive strategies approach (ISA) is organised around core instructional goals related to enhancing word learning and comprehension of text. The book provides detailed guidance for assessment and instruction in whole-class, small-group, and one-to-one settings, using the curricular materials teachers already have.
Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print 23 reproducible forms in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size. Of special value, the website also features more than 100 pages of additional printable forms, handouts, and picture sorts that supplement the book's content.
New to This Edition:
I. A Comprehensive Approach to Early Intervention
II. Learning the Alphabetic Code
III. Word Learning
IV. Meaning Construction
V. Implementing Intensified Instruction
"A lot of people talk about research-based practice, but Scanlon and colleagues deliver. They draw on their own and others' research to show how we can greatly reduce the prevalence of reading difficulties. The book addresses many facets of literacy development--from phonological awareness to reading comprehension--and shows how to organize instruction to respond to each child's needs. I am thrilled that the authors have developed a second edition of this book! I used the first edition in my preservice literacy methods course and as a trusted resource in my work with practicing teachers, and the second edition provides even more guidance. If you are an early literacy teacher educator, coach, or specialist, I strongly urge you to put this book on your reading list. You won't be disappointed."
- Nell K. Duke, EdD, School of Education, University of Michigan
"A valuable resource for all early elementary teachers, whether they want to improve their implementation of reading interventions or build knowledge about effective reading instruction more generally. Detailed descriptions of research-based practices, along with many practical tools, make intervention planning and implementation more feasible."
- Jeanne Wanzek, PhD, Department of Special Education, Vanderbilt University