Now in a substantially revised and expanded second edition, this highly practical resource and text presents 70 interventions that have been demonstrated to improve the classroom learning environment, academic achievement, and student behaviour and social competence. Each intervention is presented in a brief, standardised format with step-by-step procedures that can easily be implemented by Pre-K–12 teachers and other school-based professionals.
The volume includes best-practice guidelines for designing, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based school interventions, as well as strategies for combining multiple interventions to create a comprehensive program at the individual, class, or school-wide level. Reflecting significant developments in research and practice, the second edition is designed for full compatibility with a response-to-intervention framework, and 42 of the interventions are entirely new. Also featured are a new chapter on pre-school interventions and expanded coverage of curriculum-based measurement procedures.
The Publisher grants individual book purchasers non-assignable permission to reproduce selected materials in this book for professional use. For details and limitations, see copyright page.
School psychologists and counsellors, child clinical psychologists, and school social workers, who will use the book in collaboration with teachers and special educators; students in these areas; also of interest to school administrators.