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Emotional or Behavior Disorder Scale, Revised (EBDS-R)

$255.41  Kit
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Stephen B McCarney, Tamara J Arthaud

  • Emotional or Behavior Disorder Scale, Revised (EBDS-R)


The Emotional or Behavior Disorder Scale - Revised (EBDS-R) was developed to contribute to the early identification and service delivery for students with emotional or behavioural disorders. It is based on the US federal definition of emotionally disturbed/behaviourally disordered (IDEA) and the most recent definition of the National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition.

For schools and institutional settings, the EBDS-R provides the criteria for identification of emotional or behaviour disorders. Internal consistency, test-retest and inter-rater reliability; item and factor analysis; and content, criterion-related, diagnostic, and construct validity are documented and reported for the scale.

  • The EBDS-R was factor analysed to create the factor clusters (subscales).
  • Standard scores, quotients, and percentiles are provided by age and gender.
  • Demographic characteristics of the standardization sample represented national percentages of gender, residence, race, geographic area, and occupation of parents.

The EBDS-R: Behavioral Component:

  • assesses three areas identified in the definition: Academic Progress, Social Relationships, and Personal Adjustment.
  • was standardized on a total of 4,308 students, ages 5 through 18 years of age.

The EBDS-R: Vocational Component:

  • assesses the fourth area identified in the definition: Work Related, Interpersonal Relations, and Social/Community Expectations.
  • was standardized on a total of 2,623 students, ages 12 through 18 years of age.

The EBDS-R Complete Kit includes:

  • EBDS-R School Version Technical Manual
  • EBDS-R Rating Forms (50)
  • Emotional or Behavior Disorder Intervention Manual

The Rating Form contains two sections. The Behavioral Component contains 64 items and the Vocational Component contains 54 items. All items are easily observed and documented by educational personnel.

The Emotional or Behavior Disorder Intervention Manual provides IEP goals and objectives, as well as interventions for each specific behavior problem identified by the EBDS-R, thus providing the direct therapeutic follow-up and classroom program for students with emotional or behaviour disorders. By utilising the Emotional or Behavior Disorder Intervention Manual, professionals from assessment, psychology, mental health, and education can plan and evaluate the most effective program for student improvement.

Table of Contents

The EBDS-R Complete Kit includes:

  • EBDS-R School Version Technical Manual
  • EBDS-R Rating Forms (50)
  • Emotional or Behavior Disorder Intervention Manual
Item MediaPrice
img_2619Emotional or Behavior Disorder Scale, Revised (EBDS-R)
img_1000344Emotional Or Behavioural Disorder Intervention Manual
Goals, Objectives, & Intervention Strategies for the Emotionally or Behaviourally Disordered Student
EBDS-R Technical Manual
EBDS-R Rating Forms
pack of 25