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2nd Edition

Essentials of Processing Assessment

$93.59  Paperback
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Milton J Dehn

  • Essentials of Processing Assessment

368 pages
ISBN: 9781118368206

Now in its Second Edition, Essentials of Processing Assessment provides critical information about this important aspect of cognitive functioning. This practical resource provides students and practitioners with the tools they need to accurately and efficiently assess an individual's ability to process information. As part of the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book provides information mental health professionals need to practice knowledgeably, efficiently, and ethically in today's behavioural healthcare environment.

  • Includes illustrative material, callout boxes highlighting key concepts, and "test yourself" question for gauging and reinforcing learning
  • Update throughout to include four new chapters and a new companion CD-ROM that includes all worksheets and testing charts
  • Packed with indispensable guidelines on organising a processing assessment and interpreting results

Essentials of Processing Assessment, Second Edition, offers the best one-stop source of information to help students and practitioners identify processing strengths and weaknesses and plan appropriate interventions.

Table of Contents

Series Preface xi

Acknowledgments xiii

One: Introduction and Overview 1

Two: Psychological Processes and Learning 25

Three: The Neuroanatomy of Psychological Processes 61

Four: Strategies for Assessing Processing 75

Five: Assessing Processing With Cognitive Scales 107

Six: Assessing Memory 135

Seven: The Children's Psychological Processes Scale (CPPS) 175

Eight: Using Scales Designed to Assess Processing 207

Nine: Analyzing Test Results and Determining SLD 225

Ten: Evidence-Based Interventions for Psychological Processing Deficits 261

Eleven: Illustrative Case Study 291

References 319

Annotated Bibliography 335

About the Author 339

Index 341

About the CD-ROM 349

Note: All Appendixes are on the CD.


´ Appendix A Selective Testing Tables for Processing and Memory

´ Appendix B Batteries, Composites, and Subtests That Measure Specific Processes

´ Appendix C Interview Items

´ Appendix D Observation Items

´ Appendix E Processing and Memory Assessment Forms

´ Appendix F Children's Psychological Processes Scale

´ Appendix G Psychological Processing Analyzer

´ Appendix H Statistical Tables

´ Appendix I Processing Assessment Report Template

´ Appendix J Self-Monitoring Sheet