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Essentials of WJ IV Tests of Achievement

RRP - $84.5   Our Price - $81.77  Paperback
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Nancy Mather, Barbara J Wendling

  • Essentials of WJ IV Tests of Achievement

368 pages
ISBN: 9781118799154

  • Complete coverage of administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting
  • Expert advice on avoiding common pitfalls
  • Conveniently formatted for rapid reference

The hands-on guide for confidently administering, scoring, and interpreting the WJ IV Tests of Achievement. Written by Nancy Mather and Barbara J. Wendling two experts on the topic Essentials of WJ IV Tests of Achievement provides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the achievement portion of the WJ IV. Designed to be an easy-to-use reference, the text goes beyond the information found in the WJ

IV test manual to offer full explanations of the tests and clusters on the WJ IV ACH. This essential guide also explains the meaning of all scores and interpretive features and includes valuable advice on clinical applications and illuminating case studies.

Essentials of WJ IV Tests of Achievement contains:

  • Concise chapters that feature numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and 'Test Yourself' questions
  • Separate chapter on the use and interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language and how the WJ IV ACH and WJ IV OL can be used together to increase diagnostic utility
  • Expert assessment of the test's relative strengths and weaknesses

This accessible resource highlights the most informative aspects of WJ IV ACH, points out common errors, and

reviews the complexities of administration and scoring the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement.

Table of Contents

Series Preface xi

Acknowledgments xiii

  1. Overview 1
  2. How to Administer the WJ IV ACH 21
  3. How to Score the WJ IV ACH 69
  4. How to Interpret the WJ IV ACH 87
  5. Use and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language 159
  6. Strengths and Weaknesses of the WJ IV ACH 204 - John O. Willis and Ron Dumont
  7. Clinical Applications of the WJ IV ACH 217
  8. Illustrative Case Reports 245

Appendix A Fine Points of WJ IV ACH Administration and WJ IV OL Administration 299

Appendix B Frequently Asked Questions About the WJ IV ACH and the WJ IV OL 311

Appendix C Table for Converting z-Scores (z) to Percentile Ranks (PR) or Standard Scores (SS) 329

References 331

Annotated Bibliography 336

Index 339