Elizabeth Stormshak, Anne Marie Mauricio, Anne M Gill
This second edition of the best-selling resource includes “common sense” parenting practices that will help parents from all backgrounds relate to their children and build strong, supportive family relationships that can last a lifetime.
New in Everyday Parenting, the authors have integrated multiple theoretical approaches and models consistent with the issues children and families are facing today, along with new, emerging research.
Although many of the skills parents will learn in this book are focused on intervening with children when there is a problem (such as oppositional behaviour), we also focus on the everyday skills that help parents interact with children in positive ways and build strong relationships, regardless of the child’s behaviour or emotional state. This evidence-based book is intended for both parents and therapists, and the skills and exercises presented here can be used for working directly with children or adolescents regardless of their age, problems, culture, mental health, or ability.
This valuable resource helps parents develop the skills they need to support positive child behaviour, as well as reduce behaviour problems, such as escalation of negative emotions, disruptive behaviour, or emotional lability. The content can be used as an intervention for children who are already experiencing difficulties, or it can be used as a prevention program to support all parents in healthy ways to interact with children.
This new edition covers the following parenting skills:
Each chapter is designed to offer guidance and practice opportunities for providers and parents. As providers, it’s important to adapt and tailor the order and content to each family you work with so that the process fits them. Chapters may be used out of order or adapted to the specific needs of families, and providers may use only parts of the content to meet the needs of caretakers.
Don’t miss this one! Learn more about the new second edition of Everyday Parenting in the highly informative podcast discussion featuring all three authors, hosted by Elizabeth Hess (AuthorTalk tab).
"This outstanding book provides an essential resource for parents and for the clinicians who support them. Drawing from 50 years of research on effective parenting, the authors describe fundamental practices that strengthen parent-child relationships and foster positive child development. They artfully blend time-tested parent management strategies with recent insights and advances in trauma-informed care, social-emotional learning, and culturally responsive interventions. Reflecting their skills as seasoned clinicians as well as scholars, the authors provide realistic, insightful, and effective parenting advice and offer practical solutions to common parenting challenges. Following the Family Check-up approach, the book helps parents consider their family goals, assess family strengths and areas for growth, and select personalized parenting plans and strategies that fit their unique needs."
- Karen L. Bierman, Ph.D., Evan Pugh University Professor of Psychology and Human Development and Family StudiesDirector, Child Study Center, The Pennsylvania State University
"The second edition of Everyday Parenting has much to like! The authors have provided clinicians with an eminently practical and family-friendly approach to working with parents that is highly informed by decades of research (much of it conducted by the authors and their colleagues). A significant strength of Everyday Parenting is the flexibility for providers to offer the entire program or to provide selected modules based on individualized assessment of the family’s needs. The authors employ a consistent format for each session that includes the rationale for a particular parenting skill, session goals, how to teach and practice the skill, and well-designed handouts to facilitate home practice. This book is destined to be a mainstay for seasoned clinicians and novice providers alike."
- Robert J. McMahon, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at Simon Fraser University, Coauthor of Helping the Noncompliant Child: Family-Based Treatment for Oppositional Behavior
"Everyday Parenting is a terrific resource for parents and professionals alike. The authors take concepts that might seem to be complicated and break them down into practical, easily assimilated pieces. Building on straightforward but useful exercises, this handbook will help practitioners reduce parenting stress and foster child well-being."
- Ron Prinz, PhD, Director, University of South Carolina Research Center for Child Well-Being