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Facing Your Fears In Schools Combo: Facilitator Manual with Student Workbook

RRP - $158.17   Our Price - $152.27  Set
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Judy Reaven, Audrey Blakeley-Smith

  • Facing Your Fears In Schools Combo

176 pages
Interest Age: 8 to 14

A typical school day can be full of anxiety triggers for students with autism or other social/learning needs. Help autistic students face and manage their fears—and overcome a major obstacle to school success—with this highly effective cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) program designed for use with students ages 8–14. FYF is evidence based, has been shown to reduce anxiety in students with autism, and is an ideal way to increase student access to critical mental health interventions in school.

Item MediaPrice
img_11239Facing Your Fears In Schools Combo
Facilitator Manual with Student Workbook
img_1011240Facing Your Fears in Schools Facilitator Manual
Managing Anxiety in Students With Autism or Related Social and Learning Differences
img_2011241Facing Your Fears in Schools Student Workbook
Managing Anxiety in Students With Autism or Related Social and Learning