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Fantastic Flo: IRP Primary Novel

$9.05  Paperback
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Heather Harvey Australian author

  • Fantastic Flo

41 pages
Reading Age: 7.6 to 8

The IRP Primary novels are reader-friendly, with controlled vocabulary which corresponds with the levels of the Intensive Reading Programs for Primary Students by H. Harvey. They are written especially for students who have difficulty both with reading and finding suitable books.

Books are A5 size, paperback, attractive, fun-to-read, with great illustrations, 40 - 50 pages. Suited to low ability secondary students as well as primary students.

Flo was in shock.

One minute she had been walking along High St. The next minute she was on the ground. In pain.

She felt her leg. She felt her head. She felt her arm. Someone had grabbed her from behind. They had grabbed her handbag and almost pulled her arm off in the struggle.

This novel and the Fantastic Flo Student Activity Book (Sold separately) are designed to support the Primary Intensive Reading Program Level 2.

Approx Reading Age: 7.6-8.0 Interest Age: All ages