Randy Sprick, Mike Booher, Paula Rich
Module A: Foundations of Behavior Support—A Continuous Improvement Process is the starting point for the schoolwide improvement process. It covers the essential processes for involving the entire staff in developing, implementing, and sustaining positive behaviour support. It includes detailed information about establishing a building-based leadership team (Foundations Team) to represent the entire staff. This module advises the team on how to collect and analyse data, identify and rank a manageable number of priorities for improvement, and guide the staff in revising, adopting, and implementing new policies and procedures for each priority. This process creates a cycle of continuous improvement that empowers and unifies the entire staff.
The module includes DVD inservice presentations by Dr. Sprick and colleagues and 8 copies of the related study guide and CD of reproducible forms and examples from real-world Foundations implementations.
DVD inservice presentations by Dr. Sprick and colleagues
8 copies of the related study guide
CD with reproducible forms and examples from real-world Foundations implementations