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Foundations Module D: Responding to Misbehavior

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Randy Sprick, Susan J Isaacs, Jessica Sprick, Paula Rich

  • Foundations Module D

Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781599090726

Foundations Module D: Responding to Misbehavior - An Instructional Approach focuses on the vital importance of an instructional approach to correction in reducing future occurrences of the misbehaviour. It provides information on training and inspiring all staff to correct all misbehaviour by giving students information about how to behave successfully and by using the mildest consequences that reasonably fit the infractions. Module D describes how to get consensus among staff about when (and when not) to use office discipline referral. It provides menus of corrective techniques for mild and moderate misbehaviour, from gentle verbal correction to time owed after class to restorative justice strategies. All staff learn strategies for de-escalating emotional situations, and administrators are introduced to a comprehensive game plan for dealing with office referrals and for implementing alternatives to out-of-school suspension. This module includes sample lessons for students on how to interact with people in authority.

  • Presentation 1: The Relationship Between Proactive Procedures, Corrective Procedures, and Individual Student Behavior Improvement Plans
  • Presentation 2: Developing Three Levels of Misbehavior
  • Presentation 3: Staff Responsibilities for Responding to Misbehavior
  • Presentation 4: Administrator Responsibilities for Responding to Misbehavior
  • Presentation 5: Preventing the Misbehavior That Leads to Referrals and Suspensions
  • Appendix A: Foundations Implementation Rubric and Summary
  • Appendix B: Module D Implementation Checklist
  • Appendix C: Guide to Module D Reproducible Forms and Samples

The module includes DVD inservice presentations by Dr. Sprick and colleagues and 8 copies of the related study guide and CD of reproducible forms and examples from real-world Foundations implementations.

Table of Contents

DVD inservice presentations by Dr. Sprick and colleagues

8 copies of the related study guide

CD with reproducible forms and examples from real-world Foundations implementations