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Freddie the Fly Set: 7 Book Set

RRP - $134.73   Our Price - $113.59  Set
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Kimberly Delude, Brian Martin

  • Freddie the Fly Set

Interest Age: 5 to 12

Freddie the Fly is known for buzzing about! He loves to talk and talk. And he sometimes forgets to listen. He also struggles with understanding that, sometimes, people don't always say what they mean.

Freddie the Fly is a series of 6 storybooks for kids written by expert speech language pathologist Kimberly Delude. Each storybook includes helpful tips and advice for parents and educators to help children understand valuable social skills taught from each story.

Join Freddie on his adventures as he learns important but difficult lessons.

Titles included in this set:

  • Freddie the Fly: Bugging Out - A story about learning to keep small problems small.
  • Freddie the Fly: Bee On, Buzz Off - A story about learning to focus and stay on task.
  • Freddie and Friends - Becoming Unstuck - A story about letting go of your worry bug.
  • Freddie the Fly: Connecting the Dots - A story about learning to read social cues.
  • Freddie the Fly: Motormouth - A story about learning to listen.
  • Freddie The Fly: Seeing Through Another Lens
  • Freddie the Fly -Truth or Care - A story about learning to think before speaking. 
Item MediaPrice
img_7438Freddie the Fly Set
7 Book Set
img_1008753Freddie the Fly - Bugging Out
A story about learning to keep small problems small
img_2007360Freddie the Fly - Bee On, Buzz Off
A Story about Learning to Focus and Stay On-Task
img_3007405Freddie the Fly - Connecting the Dots
a story about learning to read social cues
img_4006977Freddie the Fly - Motormouth
A story about learning to listen
img_5007643Freddie and Friends - Becoming Unstuck
a story about letting go of your worry bug
img_6010495Freddie The Fly: Seeing Through Another Lens
A perspective taking story
img_7007922Freddie the Fly: Truth or Care
A story about honesty, caring, and using your social filter