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Ghost Stories: Set of 3 titles

RRP - $48.15   Our Price - $45.41  Set
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  • Ghost Stories

Interest Age: 11 to 18
Reading Age: 8

A pack of 3 titles, all with a thrilling ghostly theme. All with a dyslexia friendly layout, typeface and paperstock, so that even more readers can enjoy them. These short teen novels packed are with action, emotion and ghostly thrills.

This pack is ideal for getting struggling readers reading with confidence and fluency. For teen readers aged from 11 to 18 years, at a reading age of 8.

  • Ghost Stadium - Tricking their parents with a camping cover story, the boys sneak into the old abandoned football stadium to spend the night. Are the rumours about it being haunted true?
  • Ravencave - In the ruins of an old farm, strange laughter echoes around the walls... the ghost of a young girl appears
  • Welcome to Camp Killer - an American-style residential camp is set up in the grounds of an English stately home, but right from the start, things don’t feel quite right at Camp Miller.
Item MediaPrice
img_11078Ghost Stories
Set of 3 titles
img_1010870Ghost Stadium
img_3010815Welcome to Camp Killer