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Grammar Gumballs Combo: The sweet game for teaching basic grammar skills!

RRP - $162.73   Our Price - $144.5  Set
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Michelle Ostrow, Kris Scheller

  • Grammar Gumballs Combo

Interest Age: 3 to 9

Grammar Gumballs and Activity Book Combo makes a sweet duo for teaching and reinforcing basic grammar skills in young children. It targets nine of the early morphemes and grammatical structures identified by Roger Brown (1973). Children with language and learning difficulties often leave these structures out of their speech. Grammar Gumballs includes five levels of difficulty for each illustration. You begin with a simple listening/imitation task and gradually progress to spontaneous production.

Grammar Gumballs includes 180 illustrated cards (20 for each area) and an activity booklet to help you teach the nine grammatical forms.

  • Present Progressive Verbs
  • Irregular Past Tense Verbs
  • Subjective Pronouns
  • Copula Verbs (Is/Are)
  • Regular Plurals
  • Possessive Nouns
  • Regular Past Tense Verbs
  • Irregular Plurals
  • Possessive Pronouns

The combo includes Grammar Gumballs – 2 Activity Book that continues the fun by teaching nine additional grammar skills using the same illustrated cards and game board – but with 900 different prompts.

  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Conjunctions
  • Copula Verbs (Was/Were)
  • Do/Does
  • First-Person Pronouns (I, Me, We, Us)
  • Negation
  • Prepositions
  • Present Perfect Verbs (Has/Have)

Both activity books in the combo include a CD-ROM for printing the pages.

Item MediaPrice
img_6189Grammar Gumballs Combo
The sweet game for teaching basic grammar skills!
img_1005665Grammar Gumballs
The sweet game for teaching basic grammar skills!
img_2005666Grammar Gumballs 2 Book
Add-on Activity Book
Softcover (inc CD)$54.09Cart+