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GrammarBuilder Dice Kit: A Grammar Learning Game

RRP - $112.68   Our Price - $109.05  Game
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William Van Cleave

  • GrammarBuilder Dice Kit

Dozens of games and activities all in one great kit with 13 custom-made dice enhance many language-based learning activities. Covers concepts including letter and basic sound recognition, cvc words, silent-e, kinds of syllables, 2 sounds of c and g, suffix adding spelling rules, syllable division patterns, word origins, and assimilated prefixes. Includes booklet of activity suggestions for tutorial and classroom use.

  • includes one set of Grammar Concept Cards, Parts of Speech Die, Sentence Kinds Die, Conjugator Dice, Kinds of Nouns Die, and Sentence Templates Die with accompanying Conjunction Set — 13 in all!
  • includes booklet of activity suggestions for tutorial and classroom use
  • includes six gameboards and 120 cover disks in 6 colours
  • covers concepts including kinds of nouns, verb tense, parts of speech, phrases, clauses, and kinds of sentences
  • Dice are custom-made and inked for long-term use and wear!
  • Because students construct sentences and parts of sentences with the writing dice, the same activity can be used repeatedly with students — what they create from the activity makes it new each time.

Table of Contents

one set of Grammar Concept Cards

13 custom-made dice

  • Parts of Speech Die
  • Sentence Kinds Die
  • Conjugator Dice
  • Kinds of Nouns Die
  • Sentence Templates Die
  • accompanying Conjunction Set

Booklet of activity suggestions for tutorial and classroom use

Six gameboards

120 cover disks in 6 colours

Item MediaPrice
img_6306GrammarBuilder Dice Kit
A Grammar Learning Game
img_1008414Writing Matters Activity Pack
Spiral Bound$272.68Cart+
img_2006058Sentence Stretches 1 - Basic
img_3006059Sentence Stretches 2 - Advanced
img_4006056Words at Work 1 - Basic
img_5006057Words at Work 2 - Advanced
img_6006415Writing Skills Concept Charts