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Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Applications in Schools

$128.18  Softcover
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Hill M Walker, Frank M Gresham

  • Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

622 pages
ISBN: 9781462526161

This authoritative volume provides state-of-the-art practices for supporting the approximately 20% of today's K-12 students who have emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) that hinder school success. Leading experts present evidence-based approaches to screening, progress monitoring, intervention, and instruction within a multi-tiered framework.

Coverage encompasses everything from early intervention and prevention to applications for high-risk adolescents. Exemplary programs are described for broad populations of EBD students as well as those with particular disorders, including autism spectrum disorders and externalising behaviour problems.

The book combines theory and research with practical information on how to select interventions and implement them with integrity.

Table of Contents

Prologue: On Following the Scientific Evidence, James M. Kauffman

I. Foundations

  1. Evaluating the Evidence Base for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Schools, Frank M. Gresham and Hill M. Walker
  2. Empirically Supported School-Based Mental Health Programs Targeting Academic and Mental Health Functioning: An Update, Hilary B. Vidair, Danielle Sauro, Jacquelyn B. Blocher, Laura A. Scudellari, and Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood
  3. Multicultural Issues for Schools and Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Disproportionality in Discipline and Special Education, Russell J. Skiba, Laura V. Middelberg, and Maryellen Brunson McClain
  4. Legislation, Regulation, Litigation, and the Delivery of Support Services to Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in School Settings, Mitchell L. Yell, Shelley Neilsen Gatti, and R. Allan Allday
  5. Longitudinal Outcomes and Post–High School Status of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Mary Wagner
  6. The Interface between Child Psychiatry and Special Education in the Treatment of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in School Settings, Richard E. Mattison

II. Screening, Performance Monitoring, and Assessment

  1. Screening and Identification Approaches for Detecting Students at Risk, Kathleen Lynne Lane, Wendy Peia Oakes, Holly Mariah Menzies, and Kathryn A. Germer
  2. Social Skills Assessment and Training in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Frank M. Gresham and Stephen N. Elliott
  3. Progress Monitoring Methods and Tools for Academic Performance, Mark R. Shinn
  4. Behavioral Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring with Web-Based Technology, Brion Marquez, Pamela Yeaton, and Claudia Vincent
  5. Systematic Progress Monitoring in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: The Promise of Change-Sensitive Brief Behavior Rating Scales, Clayton R. Cook, Robert J. Volpe, and John Delport
  6. Strength-Based Assessment Issues, Tools, and Practices in School-Related Contexts and Schools in the United States and Finland, Regina M. Oliver, Cynthia J. Cress, and Hannu Savolainen, and Michael H. Epstein
  7. Conducting Functional Behavior Assessments for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Brian K. Martens and Tonya L. Lambert

III. Interventions Targeting Specific Disorders and Settings

  1. Applying Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports in Alternative Education Programs and Secure Juvenile Facilities, Jeffrey R. Sprague, Kristine Jolivette, and C. Michael Nelson
  2. Bullying and Aggression in School Settings, Stephen S. Leff, Christine Waanders, Tracy Evian Waasdorp, and Brooke S. Paskewich
  3. Intervention for Students with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: School and Home Contexts, George J. DuPaul, Seth D. Laracy, and Matthew J. Gormley
  4. Empirically Based Targeted Prevention Approaches for Addressing Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior Disorders within School Contexts, John R. Seeley, Herbert H. Severson, and Amanda A. M. Fixsen
  5. Evidence-Based Intervention Approaches for Students with Anxiety and Related Disorders, Anna J. Swan, Colleen M. Cummings, Nicole E. Caporino, and Philip C. Kendall
  6. Secondary Education and Promising Practices for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Douglas A. Cheney, Therese M. Cumming, and Tal Slemrod

IV. Generic Intervention Approaches

  1. Addressing the Academic Problems and Challenges of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, J. Ron Nelson, Gregory J. Benner, and Janet Bohaty
  2. School-Based Wraparound for Adolescents: The RENEW Model for Transition-Age Youth with or at Risk Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Lucille Eber, JoAnne M. Malloy, Jennifer Rose, and Ami Flamini
  3. The Role of School Mental Health Models in Preventing and Addressing Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Steven W. Evans, Tiffany Rybak, Holly Strickland, and Julie Sarno Owens
  4. Improving Transition Outcomes for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Deanne K. Unruh and Christopher J. Murray
  5. Improving Engagement and Implementation of Interventions for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Home and School Settings, Wendy M. Reinke, Andy J. Frey, Keith C. Herman, and Charlos V. Thompson
  6. Treatment Integrity within a Three-Tiered Model, Frank M. Gresham
  7. Issues and Criteria for the Effective Use of Psychopharmacological Interventions in Schooling, Dean E. Konopasek and Steven R. Forness

V. Early Intervention

  1. Evidence-Based Practices for Infants and Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Phillip S. Strain, Erin E. Barton, and Edward H. Bovey
  2. Supportive Interventions for Young Children with Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Delays and Disorders, Glen Dunlap and Lise Fox
  3. The Evidence Base of the First Step to Success Early Intervention for Preventing Emerging Antisocial Behavior Patterns, Hill M. Walker, Herbert H. Severson, John R. Seeley, Edward G. Feil, Jason Small, Annemieke M. Golly, Andy J. Frey, Jon Lee, W. Carl Sumi, Michelle Woodbridge, Mary Wagner, and Steven R. Forness

VI. Research Methods

  1. Qualitative and Mixed Design Research in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Edward J. Sabornie, and Stacy L. Weiss
  2. The Role of Research in Evaluation of Interventions for School-Related Behavioral Disorders, Keith Smolkowski, Lisa Strycker, and John R. Seeley
  3. Establishing an Evidence Base: Lessons Learned from Implementing Randomized Controlled Trials for Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions, Steven R. Forness, Hill M. Walker, and Loretta A. Serna

Epilogue: Science, a Harsh Mistress, James M. Kauffman