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2nd Edition

Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education

RRP - $190.91   Our Price - $189.09  Softcover
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Jean B Crockett, Bonnie Billingsley, Mary Lynn Boscardin

  • Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education

524 pages
ISBN: 9780415787154

The Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education brings together research informing practice in leading special education from preschool through transition into post-secondary settings. The second edition of this comprehensive handbook has been fully updated to provide coverage of:

  • disability policy
  • historical roots
  • policy and legal perspectives
  • effective, collaborative, and instructional leadership practices that support the administration of special education.

Broad in scope, it provides in-depth analysis by prominent scholars from across the disciplines of both general and special education leadership.

  • Comprehensive – This book integrates the knowledge bases of special education and educational leadership as these fields impact school improvement and the performance of students with disabilities.
  • Chapter Structure – Chapters provide a review of the knowledge base as well as recommendations for special education leadership and future research.
  • Multicultural Focus – Addressing special education leadership within the context of a multicultural society, chapters incorporate content related to the diversity of families, teachers, and students.
  • Expertise – Chapter authors have made significant contributions to the knowledge base in their specific areas of study such as educational policy, special education law and finance, school reform,, organizational management, and instructional leadership.

This book is a reference volume for scholars, leaders, administrators, practitioners and policy makers as well as a textbook for graduate courses related to the administration of special education.

Table of Contents

Section I. Setting the Context and Development of Leadership for Special Education

  • Section I Introduction
  1. Leadership to Improve Student Outcomes Martha L. Thurlow, Rachel F. Quenemoen, and Sheryl S. Lazarus
  2. Conceptual and Historical Foundations of Special Education Administration Barbara L. Pazey and James R. Yates
  3. Expanding the Leadership Framework to Support Socially Just Special Education Policy, Preparation, and Standards Mary Lynn Boscardin and Carl Lashley
  4. The Preparation of Leaders for Special Education in the 21st Century Jean B. Crockett

Section II. Leadership, Policy and School Reform

  • Section II Introduction
  1. Special Education Law for Leaders and Administrators of Special Education Mitchell L. Yell, James G. Shriner, Susan S. Thomas, and Antonis Katsiyannis
  2. Financing Education for Children with Special Needs Bruce D. Baker, Preston C. Green III, and Matthew J. Ramsey
  3. Special Education and School Choice. A Special Leadership Challenge Julie F. Mead and Preston C. Green III
  4. Disability, Difference, and Justice. Strong Democratic Leadership for Undemocratic Times Thomas M. Skrtic & Kimberly M. Knackstedt

Section III. Collaborative Leadership for Special Education in Multicultural Contexts

  • Section III Introduction
  1. System-wide Leadership for Culturally-Responsive Education Elizabeth Kozleski
  2. Leadership for Inclusive Schools. 1995-2015 Bonnie Billingsley and Amanda Banks
  3. Collaborative Decision-Making in Multicultural Contexts John J. Hoover and Leah Teeters
  4. Leadership and Collaboration in Home-School Partnerships Beth Harry and Lydia Ocasio-Stoutenburg
  5. Building Trust and Responding to Parent-School Conflict Barbara J. Lake, Bonnie S. Billingsley, and Art Stewart

Section IV. Instructional Leadership and the Evaluation of Educational Outcomes

  • Section IV Introduction
  1. Leading Change to Improve Inclusive Teaching and Learning. How the Law Supports Evolving Practice in Professional Development, Leadership, and Administration Jake Cornett, Kimberly M. Knackstedt, and Donald D. Deshler
  2. Conceptualizing Principal Leadership for Effective Inclusive Schools Bonnie S. Billingsley, James McLeskey, and Jean B. Crockett
  3. Special Education Teacher Effectiveness in an Era of Reduced Federal Mandates and Increasing Teacher Shortages Mary T. Brownell, Elizabeth Bettini, Daisy Pua, David Peyton, and Amber E. Benedict
  4. Leadership and Instruction. Evidence-based Practices in Special Education Bryan G. Cook, Natalie K. Haggerty, and Garnett J. Smith
  5. School Leadership and School-wide Positive Behavior Support George Sugai, Breda V. O’Keeffe, Robert H. Horner, and Timothy J. Lewis
  6. Responsive, Practice-focused Leadership for Early Intervention Patricia A. Snyder, Crystal D. Bishop, and Robert Crow
  7. Leadership for Transition to Post-Secondary Settings David W. Test, Valerie L. Mazzotti, and April L. Mustian

Section V. Challenges for Educational Leaders

  • Section V Introduction
  1. The Search for Equality of Educational OpportunityMargaret J. McLaughlin and Jamey Burho
  2. Special Education Teacher Evaluation. Examining Current Practices and Research Nathan Jones and Allison Gilmour
  3. Engaging Evaluation to Transform, Build, and Sustain Special Education Programs and Services Mary Lynn Boscardin and Katherine G. Shepherd