Table of Contents
I. Basic Regulatory Processes
- Self-Regulation of Action and Affect, Charles S. Carver and Michael F. Scheier
- The Self-Regulation of Emotion, Sander L. Koole, Lotte F. van Dillen, and Gal Sheppes
- Giving In to Temptation: The Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience of Self-Regulatory Failure, Dylan D. Wagner and Todd F. Heatherton
- Self-Regulatory Strength, Isabelle M. Bauer and Roy F. Baumeister
- Willpower in a Cognitive Affective Processing System: The Dynamics of Delay of Gratification, Walter Mischel and Ozlem Ayduk
- Self-Regulation and Behavior Change: Disentangling Behavioral Initiation and Behavioral Maintenance, Alexander J. Rothman, Austin S. Baldwin, Andrew W. Hertel, and Paul Fuglestad
II. Cognitive, Physiological, and Neurological Dimensions of Self-Regulation
- Nonconscious Self-Regulation, or the Automatic Pilot of Human Behavior, Esther K. Papies and Henk Aarts
- Promotion and Prevention Systems: Regulatory Focus Dynamics within Self-Regulatory Hierarchies, Abigail A. Scholer and E. Tory Higgins
- Planning Promotes Goal Striving, Peter M. Gollwitzer and Gabriele Oettingen
- The Reason in Passion: A Social Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Emotion Regulation, Kateri McRae, Kevin N. Ochsner, and James J. Gross
- Working Memory and Self-Regulation, Wilhelm Hofmann, Malte Friese, Brandon J. Schmeichel, and Alan D. Baddeley
- Local and Global Evaluations: Attitudes as Self-Regulatory Guides for Near and Distant Responding, Allison Ledgerwood and Yaacov Trope
- Identifying and Battling Temptation, Ayelet Fishbach and Benjamin A. Converse
III. Development of Self-Regulation
- Effortful Control: Relations with Emotion Regulation, Adjustment, and Socialization in Childhood, Nancy Eisenberg, Cynthia L. Smith, and Tracy L. Spinrad
- Attentional Control and Self-Regulation, M. Rosario Rueda, Michael I. Posner, and Mary K. Rothbart
- A Bidirectional Model of Executive Functions and Self-Regulation, Clancy Blair and Alexandra Ursache
- Aging and Self-Regulation, William von Hippel and Julie D. Henry
IV. Social Dimension of Self-Regulation
- The Sociometer, Self-Esteem, and the Regulation of Interpersonal Behavior, Mark R. Leary and Jennifer Guadagno
- Early Attachment Processes and the Development of Emotional Self-Regulation, Susan D. Calkins and Esther M. Leerkes
- When People Strive for Self-Harming Goals: Sacrificing Personal Health for Interpersonal Success, Catherine D. Rawn and Kathleen D. Vohs
- The Effects of Social Relationships on Self-Regulation, Eli J. Finkel and Grinne M. Fitzsimons
- The Effects of Self-Regulation on Social Relationships, Grinne M. Fitzsimons and Eli J. Finkel
- Waiting, Tolerating, and Cooperating: Did Religion Evolve to Prop Up Humans' Self-Control Abilities?, Michael E. McCullough and Evan C. Carter
V. Personality and Self-Regulation
- Temperament and Self-Regulation, Mary K. Rothbart, Lesa K. Ellis, and Michael I. Posner
- Self-Efficacy Beliefs and the Architecture of Personality: On Knowledge, Appraisal, and Self-Regulation, Daniel Cervone, Nilly Mor, Heather Orom, William G. Shadel, and Walter D. Scott
- Impulsivity as a Personality Trait, Colin G. DeYoung
VI. Common Problems with Self-Regulation
- Self-Regulatory Failure and Addiction, Michael A. Sayette and Kasey M. Griffin
- The Self-Regulation of Eating: Theoretical and Practical Problems, C. Peter Herman and Janet Polivy
- Self-Regulation and Spending: Evidence from Impulsive and Compulsive Buying, Ronald J. Faber and Kathleen D. Vohs
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Self-Regulation, and Executive Functioning, Russell A. Barkley