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HearBuilder Collection Home Edition

RRP - $345.45   Our Price - $263.59  Software
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  • HearBuilder Collection Home Edition

Interest Age: 3+
ISBN: 9781607230892

The HearBuilder Collection – Home Edition CD-ROM includes all four award-winning software titles on one CD. It works with a single computer and tracks 1-4 students.

HearBuilder Following Directions (with Basic Concepts)

From the first day of school, students must be able to follow directions in order to focus on their classroom activities, interact well with other children, and behave properly. With HearBuilder Following Directions, they:

  • Develop essential listening skills as they learn 40 basic concepts.
  • Become Master Toy Makers while building Toy Central factories.
  • Learn to follow five different types of directions: Basic, Sequential, Quantitative/Spatial, Temporal, and Conditional.

HearBuilder Phonological Awareness (Speech Sound Awareness for Reading)

Before children can learn to read, they must be aware of the sounds that letters make in words, phrases, and sentences — or, to put it another way, they must have good phonological (sound) awareness skills. In HearBuilder Phonological Awareness, students:

  • Practice nine activities to help them hear the sounds in words, syllables, and sentences.
  • Earn instruments and band members to form the rock band The Phonemix.
  • Move from basic activities (Sentence Segmentation, Syllable Blending, Syllable Segmentation) to more difficult ones (Rhyming, Phoneme Blending, Phoneme Segmentation/Identification) to the hardest tasks (Phoneme Deletion, Phoneme Addition, and Phoneme Manipulation).

HearBuilder Auditory Memory (Strategic Memory Training for Listening)

Next, children must be able to remember and recall information they have learned. With HearBuilder Auditory Memory, they:

  • Practice memory strategies as they recall numbers, words, specific details, and multiple sentences.
  • Embark on special missions with Recall Agents Kim and Joey to save Memory Town from Dr. Forgetsit.
  • Learn memory strategies for answering WH questions.

HearBuilder Sequencing (2- to 6-Step Sequences)

Finally, students use all the information they learned in the first three HearBuilder programs to work on essential language and literary skills. With HearBuilder Sequencing, students will:

  • Practice skills such as reading left to right, understanding important details, predicting, and identifying important parts of stories.
  • Begin at the Sequencing Fun House, earn tokens to use in the Arcade, and then become Sequencing Superstars.
  • Put 120 illustrated scenes in order, starting out with simple 2-step sequences and gradually progressing to 6-steps.

With HearBuilder Collection – Home Edition parents can:

  • Add 1–4 players.
  • Choose general levels of play for each child.
  • Monitor child’s progress and track data for up to 4 children.
  • Print progress reports.
  • Add background noise at Expert Level.
Item MediaPrice
img_4479HearBuilder Collection Home Edition
HearBuilder Phonological Awareness Home Edition
img_2003160HearBuilder Auditory Memory
Home Edition
img_3003162HearBuilder Sequencing
Home Edition