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HearBuilder Following Directions Computerized Screener

RRP - $68.14   Our Price - $63.59  Software
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Mark Strait, Amber Hodgson, Susie S Loraine

  • HearBuilder Following Directions Computerized Screener

Interest Age: 4 to 9
ISBN: 9781607230038

HearBuilder Following Directions Computerized Screener informally assesses a student’s ability to follow increasingly difficult directions across five areas:

  • Basic Directions (Click on the small cat.)
  • Sequential Directions (First click on the blue apple, next click on the large fish, and finally click on the red bird.)
  • Quantitative and Spatial Directions (Click on both of the yellow trees.)
  • Temporal Directions (After you click on the red star, click on the red shoe.)
  • Conditional Directions (If a fork is in the box, click on the circle. If not, click on the square.)

This 58-item Screener takes 15–20 minutes to complete and helps identify students who have difficulty following directions and/or understanding basic concepts. You may use this to monitor the progress of students using the HearBuilder Following Directions Software or as a universal screener for response to intervention programs. There are no forms to buy or copy. All you have to do is enter your students’ names into the program, choose the subtests you want to administer, and click Start Testing. The computer does the rest for you.

HearBuilder Following Directions Computerized Screener provides detailed error reports and allows you to print, graph, and compare pre- and post-test results for each student. It provides a percentage of correct responses for each subtest and a total percentage of correct responses for all five subtests. You can even save all of your students’ data to a spreadsheet to monitor an entire class.

HearBuilder Following Directions Screener kit includes: Interactive CD-ROM, Instruction Booklet.