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Historical Novels (RA8): 4 Book Set

RRP - $60.87   Our Price - $59.05  Set
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  • Historical Novels (RA8)

Interest Age: 9 to 14
Reading Age: 8

Gripping historical novels bringing history to life for struggling dyslexic 9 to 14 year olds, with a reading age of 8. Each book has between 104 to 128 pages.

  • Anzac Boys - A powerful and moving novel of World War I, the ANZAC soldiers & the Gallipoli Campaign.
  • Battle Of Cable Street - Elsie witnesses the rise of antisemitic fascist Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirts in 1930s London.
  • The Clockwork Queen - Sophie must play the role of the Clockwork Queen in order to free her father in this page-turning historical adventure.
  • Featherlight - Magic, myth and history in his truly captivating story of a lighthouse in a storm.
Item MediaPrice
img_11144Historical Novels (RA8)
4 Book Set
img_1006218Anzac Boys
Orphans Exiles Anzacs
img_2010083The Battle of Cable Street
img_3010325The Clockwork Queen