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Homonyms for Me 1-2-3 Fun Deck : with Super Duper Secret Decoder

RRP - $43.18   Our Price - $27.23  Cards
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Becky Spivey, Molly DeShong

  • Homonyms for Me 1-2-3 Fun Deck

60 pages
Interest Age: 6+
ISBN: 9781607230113

After putting the bait on the hook, he tried to ...... his fishing line.

Ms.Trotter picked the ...... for the play.

He is wearing a soft ...... on his ankle.

Which word fits all three sentences? Only one word fits all three blanks. Use the secret decoder to find out if you are correct!

Use this 180 sentence, 60 card, multiple meanings card deck to increase students' vocabulary. Each card has three fill-in-the-blank sentences - plus three word choices. Only one word makes sense in all three sentences. Be careful, because some words will fill in two blanks but not all three! Students can self check their answers with the Super Duper Secret Decoder.