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I Can't Believe You Said That! Combo: Book & Activity Guide with CD

RRP - $54.05   Our Price - $48.14  Set
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Julia Cook

  • I Can't Believe You Said That! Combo

Interest Age: 4 to 12

Banish rude & insensitive comments at home & school by teaching kids in grades K-6 how to use a social filter. RJ is a youngster who always says what he thinks no matter how it sounds or makes others feel. RJ doesn’t realise his words are wrong. He thinks he’s just speaking the truth & offering feedback. RJ learns how to use a social filter before he speaks & to give positive feedback, or none at all. With help from his parents, he learns he doesn’t have to verbalise every thought that pops into his head. In fact, sometimes the less said the better!

Use the ideas in this set- activity guide with storybook and CD - to help students master the skills that RJ learns in I Can’t Believe You SAID That! More than 20 activities allow students to visualise what a social filter is & practice using their filters in a safe setting. Each activity provides teacher instructions, lists of materials when needed, & activity sheets for use in-class or as homework. Sixteen reward coupons (in full colour or black and white) can be used to recognise students who demonstrate the skills correctly. Choosing Appropriate Words to Say & Analysing Social Situations are two of the skills from Teaching Social Skills to Youth that teach positive behaviour & are part of the Boys Town Education Model. Reproducible activity sheets & praise coupons (in full color!) are included on the enclosed CD.

Table of Contents

  • Picture Stroybook
  • Activity Guide for Teachers
  • CD of reproducible pages
Item MediaPrice
img_7237I Can't Believe You Said That! Combo
Book & Activity Guide with CD
img_1005349I Can't Believe You Said That!
My Story About Using My Social Filter…Or Not!
img_2005348I Can't Believe You Said That! Activity Guide for Teach
Classroom Ideas for Teaching Students to Use Their Social Filters