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Informal Prose Inventory 3 in 1 eBook Bundle: School Site Licence

$172.68  eBook
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Hilton Ayrey, Brian Parker NZ author

  • Informal Prose Inventory 3 in 1 eBook Bundle

Informal Prose Inventories (IPI's) are tests of a person's reading ability. They take about 20 minutes to conduct and give you information about a student's reading ability and use of strategies to decode and comprehend text. They provide a benchmark against which you can measure progress and allow you to plan lessons with confidence knowing your student's strengths and weaknesses and the correct instructional level for reading material.

Each Informal Prose Inventory is a stand alone testing package with tests at Reading Age 6-15 years. Purchasing all three gives you greater choice of tests at each level. The three packages are:

  • IPI 1 - Narrative passages
  • IPI 2 - Narrative passages
  • IPI 3 - Non Fiction passages

The three criteria included in these Informal Prose Inventories, Accuracy, Retelling, and Comprehension, provide a reliable indicator of the instructional reading age that a student should be working on, and establish a benchmark against which progress can be measured.

Downloadable eBooks, School Site Licence:

  • An affordable option for distribution throughout a large school
  • Load onto all school computers or your school server
  • Everyone has access - no more hunting for the original
  • Let your computer be your bookshelf - easy access for printing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the School Site Licence?

The School Licence allows you to load the ebooks onto all the computers in your school and / or your school server. In other words, you would only need to purchase one licence for the entire school. The only restriction is that it cannot be used outside the school or in another school. So for example a teacher cannot take a soft-copy of the eBooks to another school when they change jobs or if they are working as a support teacher in two schools.

What is a Single User Licence?

This is a special offer to teachers who want to purchase their own copy of these resources and take it with them when they move from school to school. Use is restricted to the individual purchaser in their classroom only and the file or copies of the material must not be passed on to colleagues. The PDF file is stamped with the purchaser's name.