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Inside the Dyslexic Mind: A resource for parents, teachers and dyslexics themselves

$31.81  Paperback
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Laughton King NZ author

  • Inside the Dyslexic Mind

256 pages
ISBN: 9781922539427

Laughton King shares his understanding of the dyslexic mind from his own lived experience as a dyslexic child, an angry adolescent, a therapist and eventually an author.

When describing what it is like to be dyslexic, he includes himself. ‘We think in pictures, we chase words around the pages of books, and we have trouble finding any sensible connection between squiggles on paper and real things they are meant to refer to. And this all happens in perpetual reverse gear. You guessed it, for us, school is not cool, and for most of us this makes life tough.’

At the heart of this book is a ground-breaking,concept - the diesel/petrol analogy. As Laughton describes it, a dyslexic person is like a diesel vehicle. They run perfectly if you give them the right fuel, but if you put petrol in the tank (i.e. expect them to learn like every ’normal’ child in our current education system) they break down. This book helps dyslexic (diesel) thinkers make sense of their lives, and provides valuable guidance for parents and teachers.

There is nothing wrong with the dyslexic child’s brain. They do not need medication and do not need to be ‘rewired’ nor ‘recalibrated’. Laughton’s message to parents and educators is that once they accept this processing difference and understand the dyslexic style of thinking they can readily work with these children and help them achieve their own success.

Key Points:

  • The author has the unique perspective of standing with one foot tentatively in the academic world, and the other firmly rooted in dyslexia; his self-appointed task is to be an effective conduit between the two.
  • Designed to be a life-changing experience for anyone directly impacted by dyslexia - students, teachers, parents, (potential) employers, life partners, and those who work for social agencies.
  • Will speak directly to the adult selves of children who learned to hide their struggles, and who may have spent their lives downplaying their capabilities and missing out on the potential satisfactions of life - or worse - as well as the social agencies who work with them.
  • Derived from the lifetime experience of a dyslexic thinker, learner, communicator, therapist and, eventually, educator and author.

"This book is the story of the author’s life and that of all the others like him. It paints a rich picture of the myriad of people who think in pictures, and how they experience life and compulsory education. It gives vast insights to people who are dyslexic or diesel, their parents, their teachers and everyone who has a wish to develop an appreciation of difference, of how to be inclusive and affirming. It shows us how to recognise and value the contribution that ‘people who think differently ’make to the lives of the rest of us."
- Michael Absolum, Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga

"Laughton King has suffered fear, isolation, frustration and disappointment due to his struggles with dyslexia and it has given him unique insight into the dyslexic mind. This, plus 45 years of work as a child and family psychologist, has led him to view dyslexia as a distinct learning style that is practical and effective, rather than a learning difficulty. In his new book, Inside the Dyslexic Mind, he argues that society has undervalued this learning style and its potential for positive contribution."
- South Sydney Herald

"For any teacher [or parent] who truly wishes to fully comprehend each and every child who stands before them Laughton’s book [or title ] is a must read. Filled with case studies that surely will resonate, and appropriate questions to ask oneself, this book will guide the teacher or parent in any such investigation. [Today] It is too easy for teachers to simply pass children on to ‘experts’ for diagnosis and at times , damaging, labelling . It is the challenge for each and every teacher or parent to undertake this task and Laughton’s book surely and clearly provides guidance to help with this process. While the issue of dyslexia provides the main thrust of this book Laughton also provides valuable insight into the many other labels that are prevalent today. I would have found this book invaluable at the beginning and during my more than 40 years of teaching and mentoring of teachers."
- David Simpson, 40 years involvement in Waldorf/Rudolf Steiner Schools Internationally,