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Intensive Reading Program Secondary

RRP - $704.82   Our Price - $699.05  Set
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Heather Harvey Australian author

  • Intensive Reading Program Secondary

Interest Age: 11 to 16
Reading Age: 8 to 11.6

The Intensive Reading Programs are designed for the secondary student who, for some reason or other, has failed to acquire adequate reading skills. Programs cover moderate to severe reading problems and reading for content areas.

There are four separate programs, each designed to be completed in 10-15 weeks and consisting of a teachers manual, reproducible student workbook, and reproducible games book. These are structured, skills-based reading programs for secondary students with reading problems, presented in an easy-to-follow format for teachers and parents. They are designed for group instruction and result in dramatic improvement, with built in monitoring system.

Programs are divided into weekly units which include reading rule, vocabulary list, oral reading, word meanings, comprehension and reading games. The four programs are: • A: 12 week intensive reading course for students with moderate reading disability e.g. R.A. 8.6 - 10.6 at age 12 yrs (R.A. 9.0 - 11.6 at age 13yrs and older). • B: 15 week intensive reading course for secondary students with severe reading problems, i.e. Reading Age below 8.6 Yrs. • C: 10 week program of subject-specific Units of Work, covering Geography, History, Health/P.D. and Maths. • D: 10 week program of subject specific units of work in Science, Computers, D & T, Art and English.

The workbooks of the Intensive Reading Programs are designed to be used in a particular way, with great emphasis being placed on reaching daily and weekly targets, charting progress and so on. Descriptions of all aspects of the program and instructions for best implementation are included in the Teacher's Manual.

Eight short novels and accompanying student books are also available to support the programs.

Item MediaPrice
img_2213Intensive Reading Program Secondary
img_1001755Intensive Reading Program Secondary
Teachers Manual
Spiral Bound$44.09Cart+
IRP Secondary Novel
Grunge Girl
IRP Secondary Novel
Grudge Match!
IRP Secondary Novel
King of the Mountain
IRP Secondary Novel
Party Time!
IRP Secondary Novel
Stake Out
IRP Secondary Novel
The Dinner Date!
IRP Secondary Novel
IRP Secondary Novel
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, Busted
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, Grunge Girl
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, Grudge Match!
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, King of the Mounta
sample_13003655Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, Party Time
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, Stake Out
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, The Dinner Date
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Activity Book, Wipeout!
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Workbook, Book A
sample_18002159Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Workbook, Book B
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Workbook, Book C
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Student Workbook, Book D
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Games Book Level A
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Games Book Level B
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Games Book Level C
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+
IRP Secondary Games Book Level D
Spiral Bound$36.32Cart+