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Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food

$34.5  Paperback
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Elyse Resch

  • Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens

240 pages
Interest Age: 12 to 19
ISBN: 9781684031443

A new, non-diet approach to adopting healthy eating habits! Drawing on the same evidence-based practices introduced in Intuitive Eating, this workbook for teens addresses the ten principles of intuitive eating to help you listen to your body's natural hunger and fullness cues.

Do you struggle with stress eating, overeating, emotional eating, or binge eating? You aren't alone. Sometimes, when we're not feeling so good, food can seem like a great comfort. The problem is that over time, overeating can lead to several physical health problems, as well as depression and lowered self-esteem. So, how can you put a stop to unhealthy eating behaviours before they become ingrained, lifelong habits?

With this breakthrough workbook, you'll learn to notice and respect your body's natural hunger and fullness signals, find real eating satisfaction, cultivate body positivity, and build a profound connection to your mind and body for years to come. Each chapter includes an important principle of intuitive eating, and includes worksheets and activities to help you connect with and deepen your skills.

Whether you're a teen, a parent, a clinician, or a certified intuitive eating counsellor, this proven-effective workbook is an essential resource.

"Elyse Resch packs over thirty-six years of counseling wisdom and intuitive eating expertise into this welcome resource for teens, which will help them overcome the bondage of diet culture and body dissatisfaction. The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens is chock-full of tips and helpful exercises, and written in a way that teens will easily connect with, such as how to deal with food when it is the ‘frenemy’. Health professionals will appreciate the eighty-four activities that can help their adolescent clients reconnect (and trust) their own innate body wisdom."
- Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, is coauthor of Intuitive Eating and The Intuitive Eating Workbook, and has a private counseling practice in Newport Beach, CA

"Many years ago, when I gave up dieting for intuitive eating, I felt relief! I was no longer obsessed with food or disliked my body. Intuitive eating continues to enhance my well-being. The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens will do this for you. Elyse Resch is the world’s leading authority on intuitive eating, and her ideas on intuitive eating are confirmed by hundreds of research studies. In this workbook, she has distilled the ten principles of intuitive eating into many thought-provoking and effective activities that will help all teens make peace with food and their bodies."
- Tracy Tylka, PhD, professor, editor in chief of Body Image, and coeditor of Handbook of Positive Body Image and Embodiment

"Having overcome my own eating disorder (that began in my teens), and having spent the last several decades helping teens in my psychotherapy practice, I know the immense benefits that the intuitive eating process can offer to a young person’s life. Elyse lays it all out beautifully in this important workbook. The original Intuitive Eating book introduced us to a life-changing concept. This teen version will do nothing less."
- Andrea Wachter, LMFT, author of Getting Over Overeating for Teens, and coauthor of Mirror, Mirror on the Wall and The Don’t Diet, Live-It Workbook

"Brilliant, best-selling author and dietitian Elyse Resch has done it again with this wonderful workbook designed to help teenagers learn how to eat in a balanced, joyful, intuitive way. This fun, interactive, and comprehensive guide encourages teens to consider how the toxic effects of social media and harmful ‘diet culture’ messages—as well as their own sense of self-confidence and emotional states—affect their relationship with food and their bodies. In honoring body diversity and bringing commonsense wisdom to teens, this workbook also offers highly medically sound advice. I will definitely be recommending it for my teenage patients!"
- Jennifer L. Gaudiani, MD, CEDS, FAED, founder and medical director, Gaudiani Clinic

"I wish I’d had The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens by Elyse Resch when I was a teenager to teach me the dangers of chronic dieting and how to identify hunger, cravings, satisfaction, and fullness. This workbook covers all this and more—how to stop making comparisons with others, value your body, shower yourself with compassion, and assign food a healthy place in your life. Resch’s expertise in feeding ourselves shines through on every page and makes the workbook a perfect read for adolescents hungry for knowledge about how to eat well and take care of their bodies."
- Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, Med, is an eating psychology expert, popular blogger, and author of seven books on eating, weight, and body image, including Outsmarting Overeating and The Rules of “Normal” Eating

"I love this workbook! I work with adult survivors of childhood abuse, and that abuse has interfered with their ability to take care of themselves and to develop a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. For teens who read and use this workbook, they will be given the tools to learn to trust their inner voice in ways that my clients have not. Their relationship with food and their bodies is fundamental to creating a happy and healthy life. I wish my clients had had this workbook when they were teens."
- Arlene Drake, PhD, LMFT, is a psychotherapist who is an expert in treating adult survivors of childhood abuse, and is author of Carefrontation

"Elyse Resch has done it again with this must-have, go-to guide for teens, their parents, and treatment professionals! The principles of intuitive come to life in new ways with practical activities and relatable examples through Elyse’s compassionate, non-parental tone. This book will prevent teens from dieting and disordered eating offering them a clear path to a relationship with food and themselves during the teen years and beyond. This book offers endless wisdom and actionable steps that anyone can use. I can’t recommend this book highly enough!"
- Janean Anderson, PhD, CEDS-S, licensed psychologist, certified eating disorders specialist, host, The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast, best-selling author of Recover Your Perspective, founder and director, Colorado Therapy & Assessment Center

"Intuitive eating changed my life. I only wish I’d known about these transformative principles when I was a teen. Read this book to make peace with food and your body!"
- Jenni Schaefer, author of Life Without Ed; Almost Anorexic; and Goodbye Ed, Hello Me

"This is the book we’ve been waiting for! In The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens, Resch compassionately offers her fresh perspective on eating for teens who don’t want to diet. I would recommend a copy for everyone, as it provides smart guidance and empowers teen readers to let go of stress with food and body using the proven science of intuitive eating."
- Sumner Brooks, MPH, RDN, CEDRD, is an eating disorder dietitian, creator of EDRD Pro for eating disorder professionals, and coauthor of Savvy Girl