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Jimmy & Invo's Superpowers Combo: Guide and Storybook

RRP - $130.82   Our Price - $113.59  Set
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Kevin M Powell, Chris Hyatt

  • Jimmy & Invo's Superpowers Combo

123 pages

Jimmy & Invo’s Superpowers: Developing Children’s Character Strengths assists parents and child service providers in educating children about character strengths.

The story of Jimmy & Invo’s Superpowers was written for pre-school, kindergarten, and primary school-age kids. This entertaining resource can be used in homes, schools, therapy sessions, and other child service settings. The storybook content introduces children to key character strengths that are “superpower-like” in their ability to help each child lead happy, prosocial lives.

The Guide contains background and presentation tips along with the story and corresponding storybook page numbers for ease of sharing.

It is essential to have the Guide and a storybook for each child to implement the curriculum as intended. The set contains one Guide and one storybook.

The story portrays a day in the life of little Jimmy and his friend, Invo the Ostrich. Jimmy and Invo really like superheroes. Jimmy realises (with the help of his parents) that he possesses many character strengths that are ‘superpowers’, just like superheroes. Jimmy and Invo decide to spend the day looking for their superpowers both at home and at school. Jimmy’s friend, Invo, represents Jimmy’s internal voice, hence the name “Invo” (Internal voice). Invo helps highlight Jimmy’s internal thoughts about super­powers AND keeps readers engaged in the story, since Invo can be silly.

The children’s book and guide feature seven ‘superpowers’ (six internal character strengths #1- 6 and one external resource #7), which are all important components for leading a psycho­logically healthy life.

  1. Being KIND (Kind to OTHERS; Kind to NATURE; Kind to SELF)
  2. Having PATIENCE
  3. Having FUN and LAUGHING
  4. Having EMPATHY (Knowing How Others Are Thinking and Feeling)
  6. WORKING HARD Even When Something Is Difficult
  7. Having POSITIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE Who Care About You

This resource educates children about character strengths AND reminds caregiver­s and child service providers about the importance of reinforcing and modelling these essential assets.

We all want our children to grow up to be happy, resilient adults. A key to achieving this goal is to ensure that every child has opportunities to develop character strengths (healthy personality traits) that have been linked to positive life outcomes.

Item MediaPrice
img_11480Jimmy & Invo's Superpowers Combo
Guide and Storybook
img_1011478Jimmy & Invo's Superpowers
Developing Children's Character Strengths
img_2011479Jimmy & Invo's Superpowers
A Guide For Developing Children's Character