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Jumping Into Kindergarten

RRP - $19.05   Our Price - $18.14  Paperback
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Julia Cook, Laura A Jana, James Newman Gray

  • Jumping Into Kindergarten

32 pages
Interest Age: 3 to 6
ISBN: 9781937870447

Kindergarten represents a big jump into the unknown that, while exciting, can also cause nervous anticipation for everyone involved. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be scary!

Today’s complex, technology-driven world is changing rapidly. As it does, what our children need to know when they enter kindergarten is changing as well, requiring a new and improved set of school-readiness skills called “QI Skills” (pronounced key) that will give them the foundation and confidence to succeed. In this fun and engaging story, best-selling authors Julia Cook and Laura A. Jana bring to life for children, parents and educators the important connection that exists between everyday behaviours and the development of valuable, 21st century life-skills during early childhood. This book includes creative, practical tips to help readers implement these skills at home and in the classroom.

Follow Roo as he figures out how to use and apply his amazing QI Skills: ME, WE, WHY, WILL, WIGGLE, WOBBLE and WHAT IF!

"I love to move around and explore, so my favorite skill is WIGGLE.

I can jump into things, and reach for the stars, and bend and stretch and jiggle!"

With a backpack full of “super cool” skills and a head full of questions, Roo is excited to jump into kindergarten, and your children will be too!

"This book beautifully captures what we all know to be true - that who our children become is as important as what they know."
- Jo Kirchner, CEO, Primrose Schools

"A must-read for all children getting ready to start kindergarten...amazingly fun and engaging book that also teaches key skills that will be critical to their success in both kindergarten and life!"
- Dr. Tanya Remer Altmann, Pediatrician, Editor-in-Chief of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Birth to Five

"As a Preschool, Young 5's, and Kindergarten teacher for the last 16 years, I have not come across a book that "get's it" like this one. Children who come into kindergarten with these skills will be more confident and parents will feel more at ease."
- Dawn Luckritz, Kindergarten Teacher, Hollywood Elementary, A Leader in Me School