The purpose of these lessons is to strengthen listening skills and to provide various methods to encourage young learners to answer questions orally and to enjoy communicating with others.
The questions incorporate three basic techniques that encourage children to interact with a speaker
For the reluctant talker, saying yes or no or shaking the head will let the teacher know if the child is comprehending the questions.
For shy children or children who hove difficulty with word-retrieval, choosing between answers they hear eliminates the problem of knowing the answer but being unable to retrieve it from memory. This type of practice seems to improve the child's ability to recall answers.
For children who need practice in using inferences and associations to improve word retrieval skills, sentence completion activities ploy a valuable role.
While one technique may work better than others, all three are excellent practice in stimulating receptive and expressive language in young children. The activities in each lesson provide the structured method and repetitious practice
needed to master these skills.
Eoch lesson hos o student worksheet ond three lesson plons.