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Language Exercises For Auditory Processing (LEAP) Combo: Book & Game

RRP - $133.55   Our Price - $124.5  Set
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Larry J Mattes, Patty R Schuchardt

  • Language Exercises For Auditory Processing (LEAP) Combo

Interest Age: 4 to 10

Save and purchase the combo of book of worksheets and game.

Use the Language Exercises For Auditory Processing (LEAP) book to:

  • Develop listening comprehension and oral communication skills as students respond to questions about stories, categorise words, identify words from descriptions, listen for specific information, describe what they heard, follow directions, sequence events, identify errors in reasoning, describe verbal relationships, listen for rhyming words, listen to identify missing events, and more! You can reproduce the activity worksheets for use with your students.

Use the LEAP Auditory Processing Games to:

  • Target skills in the following areas: Auditory comprehension; Auditory memory; Phonological awareness; Auditory sequencing & Auditory association. The game features characters from the book, however, is not required for use of the game.
Item MediaPrice
img_9367Language Exercises For Auditory Processing (LEAP) Combo
Book & Game
img_1000545Language Exercises For Auditory Processing (LEAP)
sample_1000545Spiral Bound$68.14Cart+
img_2000702LEAP Auditory Processing Games