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Leading on the IDP: How to plan and deliver personalised training for your school

$52.68  Softcover
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Neil Mackay

  • Leading on the IDP

ISBN: 9781903842119

This book is written for all teachers who have got lost in IDP cyber space and are wondering where to go next. The purpose is to support IDP leaders to wrap some excellent materials around their schools and use them to drive the school improvement plan (SIP) through a focus on inclusive, classroom based best practice.

The Inclusion Development Plan (IDP) identifies a commitment to addressing high incidence learning, social and emotional needs through quality first teaching. The key aims are to promote early recognition and intervention; increase the confidence of all practitioners; support school and other settings to become more effective at strategic approaches to support for vulnerable learners. This book maps a way ahead using the IDP DVD materials to secure whole school improvement priorities through the development of inclusive strategies which raise the achievement and attainment of vulnerable learners.

In the book Neil Mackay supports the reader to navigate the materials, offers strategies to identify and select the "must read" pages and shows how to plan compelling CPD which is focussed on typical OFSTED/SIP imperatives, including:

  • ECM
  • Personalising learning
  • Assessment for learning
  • Alternative evidence of achievement
  • Differentiation
  • Managing behaviour for learning
  • Identifying and responding to barriers to learning
  • Provision mapping - especially classroom provision mapping

Also included are simplified self evaluation forms, much more focussed than the IDP questionnaires, which based on typical OFSTED questions.