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2nd Edition

Learning Intervention Manual: Goals, Objective and Intervention Strategies

RRP - $155.91   Our Price - $145.41  Softcover
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Samm N House

  • Learning Intervention Manual

511 pages
ISBN: 9781737965411

The Learning Intervention Manual (LIM) 2nd edition, is a compilation of goals, objectives, and intervention strategies for over 190 behaviours grouped by categories. It is designed to respond to the most typical learning problems exhibited by students in educational settings. The interventions are appropriate for any student exhibiting the learning problems and he/she need not be identified as learning disabled or handicapped in anyway.

These easily implemented, practical, and appropriate intervention strategies can be implemented in the regular education classroom. They reflect positive teacher behaviour, contribute to a positive classroom atmosphere, and have been proven to contribute to student success in the educational environment. All interventions included have been found to be successful by administrators, teacher, aides, counsellors, parents and other persons intent on helping students. Now includes an early childhood learning problems section.

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img_1000932Learning Intervention Manual
Goals, Objective and Intervention Strategies