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Listening and Oral Vocabulary Exercises

RRP - $61.77   Our Price - $59.05  Spiral Bound
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Larry JMattes, Patty RSchuchardt

  • Listening and Oral Vocabulary Exercises

Interest Age: 5 to 10
ISBN: 9781575031231

Help students with communication disorders learn vocabulary using listening activities relevant to the subject matter of the classroom curriculum and their special interests. Each listening passage targets words that are often difficult for children with special language learning needs. Memory-building activities are also included. Skills emphasised include answering questions, recalling information, defining words, describing differences in word meanings, and using words in sentences. Reproducible worksheets are included.

The book is organised into two sections. Part 1 has 21 vocabulary lessons. Each lesson targets a minimum of 9 vocabulary words. The vocabulary words are presented within the context of a short article that is read by the instructor. Activities emphasised include the following:

  • Words in Sentences. The student is asked to use each word in a sentence after hearing a discussion of its definition.
  • Vocabulary Words and Definitions. The student is asked to define each word after hearing it used in a sentence.
  • Combine the Words. The student is presented with groups of two words and asked to create sentences in which these two words are used. A target vocabulary word is included in each group.
  • Complete the Sentence. The student is presented with unfinished sentences and asked to complete them by adding three or more words. A target vocabulary word is included in each sentence.
  • Fix the Sentence. The student is asked to fix nonsense sentences by turning them into sentences that make sense.
  • Think About It. The student is asked to answer questions relating to the vocabulary and information presented in the article read by the instructor. Students are also asked to share personal opinions relating to the information presented in the article. Some of the worksheets also include memory activities.

Part 2 of the book includes supplemental game activities that can be used to strengthen vocabulary, verbal reasoning, auditory memory, and sequencing skills. Selected vocabulary words from Part 1 of this book are included in these activities. Speech-language pathologists, special education teachers, and others who work with students with vocabulary deficits will find this to be a valuable resource.