Pamela Espeland, Elizabeth Verdick
Want to do well in school? Learn lots of new things?
Make homework less of a hassle?
Feel more connected to your teachers and other adults at your school?
Hove more fun reading . . . and be a better reader
A commitment is a promise you make to yourself or someone else. A commitment to learning is a promise to be a good learner. To succeed now and in the future-to make something of yourself and get the most out of life - it's important to be a good learner.
This book helps you add commitment to learning to your life. Kids learn how to build the five Commitment to Learning Assets: Achievement Motivation, Learning Engagement, Homework, Bonding to Adults at School, and Reading for Pleasure. Stories, tips, and ideas show them why and how being a good learner can help them succeed in school and in life. Stories tell about kids who are doing this for themselves or a friend. In between are ideas for you to try-at home, at school, in your neighbourhood, in your faith community, and with your friends. Some are quick and easy, and some take time. Some you can do alone, and some you'll want to do with other people. Pick one idea and start today. Add the commitment to learning you need!
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