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Lying Up a Storm

RRP - $19.05   Our Price - $18.14  Paperback
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Julia Cook, Michelle Hazelwood Hyde

  • Lying Up a Storm

32 pages
Interest Age: 4 to 8
ISBN: 9781937870348

A storm is brewing… Whenever Levi doesn’t like the truth, he kinda, sorta makes up other stuff to say. One day his mother explains to him that telling lies will damage the trust of his friends and make him very sad.

"Whenever you tell a lie, your inside sun goes away.

Then a lying cloud forms, and glooms up your day.

Each time you tell a lie, another cloud starts to form,

and before you can stop it from happening, your insides start to storm."

This book is a great resource to help children understand not only the consequences of telling a lie, but also how one lie can often lead to telling several more. It will help parents and teachers understand that lying can be a normal and sometimes healthy response for a child and offers tools to help guide children toward truthfulness.

"Lying produces both internal and external consequences. Julia Cook uniquely teaches children the internal repercussions of their fibs in ‘Lying Up A Storm.’ As in all of Julia’s books, her characters are easily relatable for children. The lessons she teaches build character and encourage pro-social skills that will enable children to live happier and healthier lives."
- Katherine Robbins-Hunt, Ph.D. Professor of Special Education Edinboro University

"What a powerful story! Julia has captured the essence of what every child experiences when lying becomes a choice. From the internal conflict to the “out of control” nature of one little fib leading to another, children experience the full circle of a lie. Every child will identify with Levi as he struggles to control what begins as an ittybitty fib but grows into a whopper lie. Julia has once again created a child friendly text that teaches an incredibly important life lesson."
- Mary Jo Melvin, Ph.D. Professor of Early Childhood Education Edinboro University