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MagneTalk Positions: Magnetic Board Game

$53.59  Game
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Sharon G Webber

  • MagneTalk Positions

Interest Age: 3 to 10
ISBN: 9781586504854

Where, oh where can that little dog be? This fun positions game will have your children looking in, out, up, down, and all around to find Digger Dog and Casey Cat. There are twelve positional concepts, and ten of these are in opposite pairs (in/out, over/under, etc.). Each position has dog and cat "match-up" tiles (dog "on" the chair, cat "on" the stool).

As a bonus, Barry Bear joins the team to illustrate these same concepts on the game board. You can use Barry's pictures to teach each concept. MagneTalk Positions will enhance your child's basic concept development, vocabulary expansion, and fine motor skills.

Each set includes:

  • Sturdy, magnetic game board (14" x 18")
  • 24 vinyl, magnetic tiles (2 3/8" x 2 3/8")
  • Easy-storage plastic tote