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MagneTalk WH Questions Bundle: Who?, What?, When?, Where?, and Why? Games

$263.59  Game
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Sharon G Webber

  • MagneTalk WH Questions Bundle

Interest Age: 3+

What is Spot doing? When do you eat breakfast? Where is Barry Bear? Why is the snowman melting? Who will have magnetic fun while they learn? You’ll have the answers to these questions and more as children strengthen their questioning, vocabulary, and comprehension skills with the MagneTalk WH Combo! The magnetic, colour-coded tiles separate questions from answers, making game play easy and lots of fun. MagneTalk is always ready for play in the classroom, therapy setting, or travelling in the car! Use the WH magnetic tiles with or without the game boards to create countless receptive and expressive tasks.

MagneTalk WH Combo:

  • 5 sturdy, MagneTalk WH Game boards (14" x 18") – Who? What? When? Where? Why?
  • 30 magnetic tiles (15 question tiles, 15 answer tiles) for Who? What? When? Where?
  • Why? has 24 open-ended question tiles
  • 144 total tiles (2"x 2½”)
  • Game ideas and an answer key on the back of each game board
  • Sturdy storage box